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DAANA Digital Pencil

December 2009 Annual Magazine

Editorial Note

It has been a great first year for DAANA. Looking back, we have achieved a lot for an infant organization…..

Commemorating the second year of DAANA service

It is with great pleasure that I present the 2010 volume of Digital Pencil, commemorating the second year of DAANA service….

DAANA 10 Year Anniversary

Editorial Note
We are excited to present the 10th anniversary Digital Pencil (DP) magazine. The idea of an annual year-end magazine was initiated by Sanka Tennakoon in 2009….

DAANA Celebrates 15 Years

DAANA issued Digital Pencil (DP) 2023 Magazine this June. Previously, DAANA issued DP magazine in 2009, 2010, and 2019.